a double edged sword: does technology assist today’s interior designers? part i. social media

Having recently completed our most visible/high profile project has led to this topic of discussion. That’s right! If you weren't already directed here through @jaim's Instagram, you should check out her house tour on stories.

We'd be lying if we said her posts and tags didn't do us any good. Over a short span of a week, our following has shot up drastically and we've garnered a generous number of new enquiries. But this has led us to question - Is social media marketing really the way to go?

The app in question is none other than Instagram. With its latest updates, their service has expanded to not just photos and videos but also real time live streaming and more! In this digital age overflowing with content, we can't deny the demand for all these things at our fingertips.

As a millennial myself, social media (particularly Instagram) has become inevitably grown to be a part of my lifestyle. As a generation, we are often addressed as the first cohort of "digital natives" that has brought about a huge cultural shift - which is why social media marketing works! (for our target consumers?)

I am a visual creature. I'm often sucked into a black hole of endless scrolling (honestly if i didn't have any self-restraint, it could go on for hours) - discovering new brands, products, personalities & processes. What i often look at, more so than just having a curated gallery, is the aesthetic, character and people beyond the screen.

While there are definitely it's perks, there are also those who've encountered real "horror story" experiences and shared it online as a warning to all - from being scammed to other unfortunate occurrences.

But as summed up by Jaime, "What you want from ID/contractor is not perfection, but someone who, when they mess up or when it's not according to what has been agreed, will make the amends necessary"

We are in no way perfect, nor do we strive to be - but we firmly believe in authenticity, respect and honesty. In an industry that is pretty much opaque, we aim to build processes that help inform & educate the end consumers. We hope to achieve this through a rigorous design phase (buttered with a thick layer of empathy!)

While we realise that being highly visible online might have its repercussions, playing safe/treading cautiously is not an option. As designers, we are constantly testing limits & pushing our creativity beyond the boundaries to generate unique spaces for people.

We certainly think it's time to step up our insta-game!

Nadia Shihan