What do you do to relax?
Having a good chat/board games/movies with family/friends (most fav boardgame is catan – they have an app version too, highly recommend!) Another recent one is to play with the niece!
other than that..
- I like to take really long walks listening to music/podcacts
- Watch disney movies over and over again – stare at my plants/my niece HAHA (this sounds creepy)
- Scroll through the groceries section on shopee/Ezbuy, but mostly end up not buying anything haha
What’s top on your Bucket’s List?
There isn’t really a top. More of a checklist? Some things i hope to do though is to check out Morocco and eat tang hulu (haw candy thing) from China (dream since I was child after watching too many ancient china shows)!
What does work mean to you?
Work is meeting new people, constant learning new things. Most importantly doing something I love which helps others too! + of course earning money while at it 🙂
Why do you do what you do?
I love how interior design is not only about the aesthetics, but also about finding creative ways to improve people’s lives functionally. Especially with a home that’s so personal. Everyone needs a home, but might have different thoughts of what a home needs/looks, and that’s where the fun begins!
Where is your next travel destination?
Spain! to check out the awesome buildings/tiles and to eat paella 😀 Hopefully can detour to Morocco too for more pretty buildings!
If you have unlimited resources, which world problem would you wrestle with?
Between the fence on sanitation/education. If i have unlimited resources, why not tackle BOTH?! Feel that these two are somewhat interlinked and the most basic requirements in life! Probably thinking more on third world countries where these things don’t come easily. Not just improving the sanitation for better living conditions but also educating them so they would not fall back into their old lifestyle, but making better informed decisions to improve their living in the years to come.
What’s a good film/series/book/podcast to recommend?
The classics would be Harry Potter & Lord of the rings. Some kid friendly options would be Disney Films (especially love Mulan and Lion King!) Also super love how to train your dragon and Avatar (the last air bender). Not a big fan of animes, but i really love Naruto!
If you could only eat this for the rest of your life – what would it be?
I would say cai fan(vegetable rice), but some people think that it’s unfair cause there’s a variety of ingredient choices. So… ban mian soup my whole life sounds good too! Now that i think about it, is Korean BBQ considered? haha this question is making me hungry.
Why is good design important toyou?
If not why design at all? Good design should be able to improve the lives/emotions of people/the environment around! Doesn’t have to be fancy at all times.. take for example a door stopper that improves lives in a functional way? Or something more personal like a box… could be used for many simple things. But depending on the item it stores. E.g. a loved one’s ashes it could, could have designed the container with details that evokes good memories of your loved ones, etc..
Describe the best experience that comes to mind.
Quite hard to think of which is the best, but i guess the most meaningful/memorable experience would be mission trip at Baguio.
Meeting the the children at turning point, staying with them, forging new friendships. It’s also an experience like no other, climbing up the different terrains (watching friends slip on the muddy grounds, hehe) to get to houses that are more secluded to meet with families.
The whole trip was really one out of my comfort zone, but also one of the most memorable/unique ones!