
Interior design has been my aspiration since young. In the early stages of my education, I learnt about architectural concepts and a general understanding of external forms. As I dwelled deeper into the multifaceted design world, it became apparent to me that interior design felt closer to home. Pun intended. I enjoy the juxtaposition of a building's exterior and interior. I'm a co-founder of Build Built and I'm proud that we’ve created a space where creativity thrives.


James Harden. Photo by @mvphy_

What do you do to relax?

  • Iisten to podcast

  • break into a sweat at the basketball court

  • cooking/baking

  • experimenting what can be cooked in an air fryer…

What’s top on your Bucket’s List?

Having a rain shower installed in my home

What does work mean to you?

Work is an accessory to life. We often hear the term “work-life balance” but I am still working on the formula to the correct balance. I am grateful and fortunate to be in a position where my work impacts the lives of those around me!

Why do what you do?

I enjoy being creative. When I’m not designing, I exercise my creativity in the form of numbers, processes, habits, lifestyle.

Where’s your next travel destination? what’s interesting to see?

Preferably somewhere with a huge supermarket. I like to see how the items are displayed and notice the cultural nuance between each locale.

If you have unlimited resources, which world problem would you wrestle with?

Homelessness/sanitation access. A holistic approach would likely require social and political intervention but hey, let me build the houses.

Podcast thumbnail

Podcast thumbnail

What's a good film/series/book/podcast to recommend?

Podcast - 'Ear biscuits'

If you could only eat this for the rest of your life- what would it be

Eggs. It has every essential a human needs

Why is good design important to you ?

It is a powerful creation. Nuff said

Describe the best experience that comes to mind.

Waking up without an alarm clock ringing