What do you do to relax?
Netflix most nights or once in while, I’ll hop onto my skateboard and head to the MSCP to practice.
What’s top on your Bucket’s List?
For now, its being able to travel to our favourite cities with my loved one once the pandemic ends.
What does work mean to you?
Working makes me feel productive and I like that feeling. I feel good when I complete my to-do list for the day/week. Besides, I get paid for being productive, lolll.
Why do you do what you do?
Well, somebody’s gotta do the job..
Where is your next travel destination?
Definitely Japan again, and again…repeat. Simply love the culture, enough said!
If you have unlimited resources, which world problem would you wrestle with?
Poverty in third world countries. It’s sad when the basic amenities can’t be met and children have to suffer for it.
What’s a good film/series/book/podcast to recommend?
For books, I read romance trashy novels that dun require much thinking, so I wouldn’t recommend any..loll.. Old school musicals like The Sound of Music and Grease 1 (Grease 2 is a blasphemy) are definitely recommended!
If you could only eat this for the rest of your life – what would it be?
Anything Japanese! More specifically, Niku Udon, with a healthy dose of natto on the sides.
Why is good design important to you?
Good design makes the world go round. Can you imagine if the world is square, we’ll all be walking on edges (pun not intended).
Describe the best experience that comes to mind.
Up on the snowy slopes of Nagano, that feeling of exhilaration (and trepidation) when you’re boarding down.